Day 18 - The End

Day 18 - Up the Bay

The forecast was for sunny skies and light winds out of the south. Our plan was to do 90 miles up to Solomons Island and then decide if we wanted to duck in there for the night or continue the remaining 40 miles to Annapolis.

Everything was going great when we got to the mouth of the Patuxent River (Solomons Island) so we decided to continue on. A short time later I noticed that the wind had switched to coming out of the north- interesting... that wasn't in the forecast from the Windy app. Perhaps I should have checked my other weather sources.

 Soon the wind began to build and before long it was over 15 knots with 3 foot waves crashing on our bow. We thought Mother Chesapeake was going to give us a warm welcome home, but I guess she wanted to remind us how nasty she could be!

We were totally exposed out in the middle of the bay so decided to head towards the eastern shore and possibly get some protection from Poplar Island. It helped a little bit, but we had to dodge crab pots and fish traps. By the time we made it past Poplar Island the winds had died down and we were able to cut across the bay and into the Severn River and to our marina.

Pure Lunasea is now docked at a marina in the Eastport where she will stay for a month. Our house is rented out for Navy Commissioning Week so we will be living on Pure Lunasea starting later this week and we will probably stay aboard for the whole month. It will be great to be able to walk to restaurants and enjoy the great views of the river from the boat. After that we'll take her to our regular marina up the river.

Thank you all for following our blog. It was great adventure and it was fun to share our experiences with you. Hopefully it was more entertaining than a family slide show and you learned something about the ICW. A special thanks to my mother, Vicki, for watching our son while were were gone. Without her help we could not have done this trip. Thanks again and best to you all.

Jim and Michelle


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