
Showing posts from April, 2019

Vero to Annapolis - Days 1-9

This is the beginning of our second leg of our adventure bringing Pure Lunasea from Clearwater, FL up to Annapolis. We have a total of 1100 miles to go and three weeks to get it done. Thanks for tuning in. Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) For those unfamiliar with Intracoastal Waterway, it is a protected inland water route that follows bays, rivers and canals along the coast from Virginia down around Florida to Texas. The Atlantic ICW  begins in Portsmouth, VA (mile marker 0) and ends in Key West (mile marker 1243). We are making our way north so the mile markers count down (note: there are not any actual mile marker signs. Maps and landmarks are used to keep track). We are starting at mile marker 950 in Vero Beach and working our way north to the terminus in Portsmouth, VA. We'll then have another 150 miles up the bay to Annapolis. The ICW meanders in some places like Georgia and we are hoping to go outside into the Atlantic and bypass some of these sections. Day 1 We departe...